Posts Tagged ‘computer services edmonton’

Computer System Components and Modes of Use

May 5th, 2016

The computer has various components. Each component has its functions. The hardware and software are the two main components. Each component has various items associated with it.


This is the collective name assigned to all physical, electronic and mechanical devices that make up the computer system. Some of the examples of hardware include:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • CPU
  • Microphone
  • Monitor
  • Speakers

They are divided into several categories:

Input devices: They are used to get data to the computer. They include the keyboard, mouse and joystick.
Central processing unit (CPU): This is the brain of the computer. It processes information and commands.
Backing storage: They are data storage devices. They consist of disks and flash disks that store data when power is switched off.
Output devices: They are used to provide output in the form of screen display and printouts. Some of the output devices include VDUs and printers.
Peripherals: All the devices that are external to the main memory and CPU.



Software refer to any set of instructions or programs that enable the computer services edmonton to perform specific tasks.
For any processor to run, it has to follow some commands in the form of a program.
Software categories

  • General purpose software applications
  • Special purpose software applications
  • Programming languages, compilers, and interpreters
  • Operating systems
  • Utility programs
  • General purpose application software

Software packages under this category are mostly found on the computer’s desktop.

  • Word processing software like Microsoft Word
  • Desktop publishing such as Adobe
  • Spreadsheet packages such as Excel
  • Database packages such as MS Access
  • Graphic packages such as Paint
  • Computer-aided-design packages
  • Multimedia authoring tools-They combine video, sounds, text, graphic and animations for games and presentation.
  • Telecommunications software- They enable the receiving and sending of data over the Internet, WAN and LAN.
  • Expert systems software- They can be programmed with facts and rules about a certain domain.
  • Special purpose application software

When organizations or individuals want to computerize some aspects of its operations, they can do so using specific software.

Some of the tasks may include:

  • Stock control
  • Monitoring business accounts

Programming languages

All the instructions that run computer processes use codes. The codes represent basic operations such as comparing, adding, loading and moving among others.
In the past, developing the codes was a tedious and slow process. However, it is very easy to code programs. This can be attributed to the technological advancements made.

Operating system

The operating system is what works in the background on the computer. System software are responsible for the management of hardware and software resources. An operating system is necessary for any computer to operate.

Utility programs

These are software needed to perform common tasks in the computer such a deleting and copying files, repairing damaged files and disk formatting. As a matter of fact, most of the utility software comes with the operating system. However, others may need to be purchased or downloaded. The anti-virus is a classic example of utility software that can be downloaded or purchased. You can look at the various versions and go for one that offers what you need most.